Home-Style Cooking at the Gateway Cafe
One-Act: The usual crowd gathers for coffee at their favorite diner in a small western town until a mysterious stranger enters and engages them in conversation. But who's telling the truth and who's not? And what's the lunch special?
Click here to order a copy of Best Ten-Minute Plays 2022 from Smith & Kraus.
One-Act: The usual crowd gathers for coffee at their favorite diner in a small western town until a mysterious stranger enters and engages them in conversation. But who's telling the truth and who's not? And what's the lunch special?
Click here to order a copy of Best Ten-Minute Plays 2022 from Smith & Kraus.
One-Act: The usual crowd gathers for coffee at their favorite diner in a small western town until a mysterious stranger enters and engages them in conversation. But who's telling the truth and who's not? And what's the lunch special?
Click here to order a copy of Best Ten-Minute Plays 2022 from Smith & Kraus.